Telomerase and Age-related Macular Degeneration.

Telomerase and Age-related Macular Degeneration.

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Injury to our retinal pigment epithelium by oxidative damage during old age can lead to Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). AMD is not something to be taken lightly, given the fact that prevalence is 30% in people between the ages of 75 and 85. Melatonin, which is an antioxidant protein, was studied for its potential to reduce oxidative damage more so than other antioxidants due to the fact that retinal pigment epithelium cells have a receptor for melatonin, which would help this compound bind its target cell (Med Hypotheses 2010 Sep 28). The results from the author indicated that in merely three months, melatonin treatment of 3 mg given orally daily was sufficient to reduce AMD. The author hypothesized that the mechanism of action is ultimately provided by melatonin’s ability to activate telomerase activity in retinal pigment epithelium. This activation helps prevent the onset of AMD and treats it. [1][2]



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