Resveratrol Performance

Resveratrol Performance

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Resveratrol Performance Studies

Resveratrol performance while exercise, in combination with quercetin reduces the cellular stress associated with exercise.

Every time we consume food, our cells can extract nutrients, but at a cost. As part of our normal metabolic processes our cells also produce undesirable toxic compounds. However, our cells also produce proteins that can help eliminate these toxic compounds. In addition, we also can consume supplements, such as resveratrol an antioxidant, which can aid in the elimination of these toxic compounds. More recently it has been discovered that when our cells carry out other functions that involve active metabolic processes such as in generating energy (needed when we exercise), cells can also produce these toxic compounds.

With this mind, a group of researchers set out to determine if resveratrol in combination with quercetin, can specifically lower the exercise-induced oxygen based radicals and +Inflammageing (Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, March 8, 2013) and considered as a resveratrol perfomance enhancer.  The researchers tested their hypothesis by dividing a group of athletes into several groups and administrating to them a combination of resveratrol and quercetin or a placebo prior to exercise.

They then took blood samples pre-exercise and post-exercise and took measurements. The researchers then determined that after the athletes exercised there was a lower production of toxic by-products with those athletes that took the resveratrol/quercetin supplements.

Resveratrol Performance, Second Study

Resveratrol in combination with exercise induces the production of more mitochondria (the organelles that provides energy to our cells).
On another related research involving resveratrol performance and exercise, it was discovered that resveratrol in combination with exercise aids muscles to develop more mitochondria (The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013). Some background on this topic is the following. Exercise is considered a physiological stressor and our muscles react to this stress in many ways. One unique consequence of exercise is that our cells produce more mitochondria. The mitochondrion is an organelle within cells that produces the energy to carry out metabolic reactions.

The other relevant background point is that resveratrol modulates the activity of a group of proteins (known as sirtuins) in particular one member, sirtuin-1, and these proteins modulate the functions of resveratrol. The researcher’s purpose for this study was to determine the role of sirtuin-1 when an organism is treated with resveratrol or resveratrol in combination with exercise in the biogenesis of mitochondria. The researchers discovered that resveratrol alone had very modest increases in mitochondria numbers, with exercise alone having more of an increase, but the combination of these two factors (resveratrol and exercise) had more than a simple additive effect but rather an exponential effect in the production of mitochondrial numbers. In addition, they demonstrated that the observed benefit was dependent on resveratrol activating sirtuin-1.

This resveratrol performance data indicates that consuming resveratrol while exercising will likely lead to improved performance.

The best resveratrol is Micronized resveratrol because of absorption. The Nitro250 can provide upto 5x the absorption of regular resveratrol. Purchase the Nitro250 today from RevGenetics (Nitro250).

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